Why The ARK ?
Giving children hope
With no schools, few playful distractions and a fear of the unknown, daily life for a child during the lock down is a far cry from what it should be. That’s why we commit to providing visual Bible stories, that can brighten many a day for these children. The parents too struggle to handle their children for long time in a closed environment especially in their work from home conditions.This small garden of visual Bible stories, crafts, activities, music dance etc can help parents to engage their children creatively. The Bible enriched childhood will help children to stand apart with wisdom “from above” to overcome the post pandemic tough future.
“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone…” Mark 16:15
When God speaks, the atmosphere changes and with one word, darkness flees.
When God speaks, the enemy is defeated. Every person living in bondage can be set free… when God speaks.
And yet, there are still people who don’t know God speaks their language. There are still almost a billion people who have limited access to God’s Word.

We live in a world where too many people don’t engage deeply with the Bible. All our efforts are driven by one conviction: we believe that when people engage with the Bible, lives can change – for good. By restoring the experience and influence of the Bible, we can equip a new generation to live by the biblical values of:
- Faith
- Hope
- Unity
- Love
- Liberty
- Justice
Bible can be a force for positive change in tomorrow’s world of uncertainty and fear.
For the Word of God is Alive and Powerful Hebrews 4:12